Wednesday, February 27, 2013

1st assingment

1)      My favorite book is Crispin by Avi the reason beings, because it is full of action and adventure, and there is a great character around every corner.

2)      My favorite type of genre to read is nonfiction (fashion; Teen Vogue, Vogue.) This type of genre allows me to keep track of what is hot, and new ideas about outfits that I might wear. Another type of genre that I like is Historical Fiction, because it lets me know the hardship that people young or old may have faced. I like it because it literally tells me what people have done to make this world a better place.

3)      A book that I am reading is The City of Orphans by Avi (Yes I love Avi.) There is a character in the book named Maks and he is living with his mom in New York City during the industrial revolution. His Mother is sick with pneumonia and he must make money in order for them to not get kicked out on the street. Maks has a past of stealing money and supplies from where he works, to provide his for his family. During the same time Maks is struggling there is s girl named Willow who is homeless and has nobody to lean on, because her parents are dead, but right before she loses hope she meets Maks. They make a friendship with in the 1st couple of days of knowing each other. As Maks continues to be friends with Willow he finds a job, working as a news paper boy for a person named Bruno, who is a ruthless and mean persons who only cares about making money. But with Maks’ history he is not so sure about working for Bruno.
      Your Friend,

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